Midtown madness 3 angelina voice
Midtown madness 3 angelina voice

midtown madness 3 angelina voice

Get the rabbit and stay away for as long as you can! The rabbit gives you points, and highest score wins the day! Works ridiculously well in team play. Leaving yourself options is key to staying alive.

midtown madness 3 angelina voice

Conversely, stay in the open if you're being hunted.As Hunter, try to drive the Prey to the boundaries of the city.Instead, try to predict where a car is going to show up and attempt to come at it from the side. This one works a lot better when the game area has been shrunk.All of the tips that apply to Tag apply here.The Hunter is out to get the Prey, and one by one, they all become Hunters. A game of chicken will result in one of two things: either you'll get tagged, or you'll get far away from the Tagger. Sometimes the best way to avoid a tag is to drive straight at the Tagger.Your marker will still show up on the screen, but especially if you're up high, the Tagger will probably not bother with you. Try hiding on top of buildings, in shallow water, in bushes. If you're not currently tagged, go and hide.

midtown madness 3 angelina voice

While tagging, try to sideswipe the person you're going to tag, so you can keep moving forward without him/her tagging you back quickly.One player starts with the Tag, and he needs to get rid of it before time runs out or else he's out! Last car racing is the winner. Instead, hang out a short distance away and try to ram the one who comes out of the pile.

midtown madness 3 angelina voice

  • Avoid the scrums that invariably happen.
  • If playing as a team, try to send a couple team members in opposite directions to predict where the gold will show up. As soon as the checkpoint pops up, go for it.
  • If a player is clearly headed to the stash, and you will not be able to reach their vehicle, focus on picking up the next sack.
  • It does no good to have every member of a team tailing the same guy.
  • When playing as a team, approach from different directions.
  • Try to fully block the stash, and have one part of your car touching the checkpoint.
  • If playing as a team, you might want to have two cars camped at the stash point-one facing in either direction.
  • Then all you have to do is drive into them as they approach and score the points yourself.
  • You can camp near the stash, if you think you know where the gold-holder is going to come from.
  • You don't have to stick to the streets, unless going offroad will slow you down considerably.
  • Take the most direct route possible without giving up the dough.
  • The faster you stash the loot, the more it's worth.
  • Get the sack of gold, and stash it in your hideout before someone else snatches it! The player of the team with the most gold stashed away is the winner. but make sure it doesn't take you out of the race in the process.
  • Don't be afraid to topple some cars to leave a wake of carnage behind you.
  • If someone else has found a cool shortcut or way through the points, follow them and steal it.
  • Don't bother going in any particular order.
  • Human opponents are often even better than the CPU.
  • Use shortcuts, open it up on the straightaways and corner well.
  • Much like any other Checkpoint race you've come across.
  • Beat your competition to the finish line.
  • See who can do the most spectacular jumps while everybody else watches.
  • On Xbox Live, you can use this as a screening are or chat room of sorts to see who you want to play against in other modes.
  • Use this mode to get acquainted with the maps, if you aren't already.
  • No time limits, no damaging out, just you and the city While it's impossible to account for every scenario in a guide such as this, we've included a few tips per mode to help you get started: Therefore, you'll have to adjust to many things on the fly. No matter what you choose to play, the multiplayer experience is different than the single player missions, simply because the human element makes it unpredictable. However, regular Split Screen only allows for two modes: Cruise and Checkpoint. Of course, you can play with just one Xbox as well. While you can similar game modes with system link, nothing beats the Live experience. MM3's multiplayer game is one of the best in years, and it's even better when experienced on Xbox Live.

    Midtown madness 3 angelina voice